Proxmox Backup Server
Service daemons
See Service Daemons
Command line tools
Under the hood
Structure of datastore:
The actual data
Metadata per vm: client.log.blob drive-scsi0.img.fidx index.json.blob qemu-server.conf.blob
Move datastore
- Make sure there is no activity on that datastore, i suggest using rsync. As i can tell it should be safe to use rsync option --ignore-existing when updating a copy.
- Edit '/etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg' to change path to datastore.
- Reload configuration (this will interrupt running garbage collectors) :
systemctl reload proxmox-backup-proxy
Upgrade proxmox 6 to 7
WARN: 'noout' flag not set - recommended to prevent rebalancing during cluster-wide upgrades
ceph osd set noout
Restore disk from PBS
Use pbs-restore
What's so busy?
proxmox-backup-manager list
and then
proxmox-backup-manager task log <everying from and including "UPID:">
Show logs
proxmox-backup-manager task list --al
PBS Backups
Create new backup repository
On PBS server:
Create account
Configuration->Access Control->User Management->Add
Create datastore
Create space, normally something like
zfs create pbspool/mystore
Datastore->Add Datastore
New subdirectory will be created
Backup path must be full path to storage + datastore name
Configuration->Access Control->Permissions Datastore->yournewstore->Permissions
to give the user access, Role is usually DatastoreBackup
On PBS guest:
Datacenter->Storage->Add->Proxmox backup server
For "Datastore" enter the name as used on the PBS. For fingerprint (on pbs server):
proxmox-backup-manager cert info | grep Fingerprint
Backup->Add storage: your-pbs
Remove PBS datastore
proxmox-backup-manager datastore remove yourdatastore
this does not delete the data!
Move a PBS datastore
rsync -auv /mnt/datastore/old /mnt/datastore/new systemctl stop proxmox-backup-proxy rsync -auv /mnt/datastore/old /mnt/datastore/new vi /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg systemctl start proxmox-backup-proxy
and after checking everything you can
rm -vf /mnt/datastore/old
Move vm data to another datastore
Create local sync user
Permissions: datastorereader on source, datastorebackup on target
PBS equivalent for pvesh:
proxmox-backup-debug api get /status/datastore-usage
proxmox-backup-debug api get /nodes/localhost/tasks
Create cookie
PBS=your.pbs.server curl --silent --insecure --data "username=zabbix@pbs&password=n0tmyp4ss" https://$PBS:8007/api2/json/access/ticket | jq --raw-output '.data.ticket' | sed 's/^/PBSAuthCookie=/' > cookie
Test cookie
curl -XGET --silent -k -b $(cat cookie ) https://$PBS:8007/api2/json/
Recovering files from backup
export PBS_REPOSITORY=mypbs:mydatastore proxmox-backup-client snapshot list
Output like: vm/109/2022-01-25T20:18:02Z │ 200.00 GiB │ client.log drive-ide0.img index.json qemu-server.conf
# proxmox-backup-client map vm/109/2022-01-25T20:18:02Z drive-ide0.img Image 'data2:vm/109/2022-01-25T20:18:02Z/drive-ide0.img' mapped on /dev/loop0
# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 200G 1 loop ├─loop0p1 259:0 0 251M 1 part ├─loop0p2 259:1 0 3.9G 1 part └─loop0p3 259:2 0 195.9G 1 part
mount /dev/loop0p3 /mnt/loop/
mount: /mnt/loop: cannot mount /dev/loop0p3 read-only.
mount -o loop,ro,norecovery /dev/loop0p3 /mnt/loop/
and that should be it. After you're done:
umount /mnt/loop proxmox-backup-client unmap /dev/loop0
TBD: explain how t o use kpartx and friends to acces LVM volumes
Error messages
user account disabled or expired
error fetching datastores - 401 Unauthorized (500)
Check username/password :)
datastore path not empty
When trying to create a datastore.
Limit bandwidth
On cluster node
In /etc/vzdump.conf
# In KB/s bwlimit: 1500
Garbage collection
What does the Prune all button do?
It will give you a dialog with the usual 'Keep xxx' options.
TASK ERROR: update atime failed, disk full
Try pruning some Check if some sync is running
unable to access non-existent chunk
check if this returns?
Pending removals
proxmox-backup-manager garbage-collection status mystore
error pruning backups - check log (500)
Possibly a permissions thing, which is good. Leave pruning to the backup server
command error: http upgrade request timed out
Connection error - server offline?
This can also happen when you can actually connect to server:8007 Check
systemctl status proxmox-backup
Connection error 401: No ticket
Browser issues, try clearing cache/cookies(?) or another browser.
Noout flag(s) set
ceph osd unset noout
qmp command 'query-backup' failed - got wrong command id
maybe bwlimit?
create storage failed: mypbs: error fetching datastores - 500 Can't connect to mypbs:8007 (Connection timed out) (500)
Garbage collection failed: unlinking chunk ... ENOENT: No such file or directory
Sync errror: owner check failed
Check in datastore/yourrepository/vm/*/owner
There's command
proxmox-backup-client change-owner
Sync remote
tcp connect error: deadline has elapsed
Probably connection timeout.
proxmox-backup-manager remote list not showing remote
proxmox-backup-manager remote show
Retrieve PBS password
On a pve node check /etc/pve/priv/storage/
group lock failed: Permission denied
Probably a mismatch between path in /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg and actual location. You also need to restart proxmox-backup-proxy.service after changing either of those.