Zidestore on Debian


in httpd.conf: (TODO find better location)

<LocationMatch "^/zidestore/*"> 
 SetHandler ngobjweb-adaptor 
 SetAppPort 23000 
Alias /zidestore/so/image /usr/lib/opengroupware.org/WOApps/ZideStore.woa/WebServerResources 

restart apache

now run these

su - ogo
Defaults write ZideStore ZLFolderRefresh 1 
Defaults write ZideStore WOPort "localhost:23000" 
Defaults write ZideStore SxExplain YES 
Defaults write ZideStore WOCachingEnabled YES 
Defaults write ZideStore WOHttpTransactionUseSimpleParser YES 
Defaults write ZideStore WOHttpAllowHost localhost 

to start zidestore

su - ogo
/usr/sbin/ogo-zidestore-1.5 > /tmp/zidestorelog 2>&1 &

to connect Sunbird: have WebDAV point to http://your.server/zidestore/so/yourname/calendar.ics