Intelligent Platform Management Interface
- http://www.intel.com/design/servers/ipmi/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_Platform_Management_Interface
- http://openipmi.sf.net/
- Configuring IPMI under Linux using ipmitool
- http://lonesysadmin.net/2005/09/23/configuring-and-securing-ipmi-on-dell-poweredge-x8xx-hardware/
- https://www.secure-computing.net/wiki/index.php/BMC_Nagios#Power_Supply_Check
- http://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/IPMI_FencingConfig
- http://www.nabble.com/IPMI-and-Dell-ERA-O-td19214114.html
- https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19464-01/820-6850-11/IPMItool.html
- Zabbix#IPMI Monitoring IPMI with Zabbix
- bmc/ipmi seems to prefer to be on primary network interface, using a DIFFERENT ip from the actual network
Scan network for ipmi
http://fish2.com/ipmi/tools/ztools.html or better yet: https://github.com/zenfish/ipmi
ssh shell
Configuring IPMI
IPMI Network configuration
Check ipmi network settings
ipmitool -I open lan print 1
or just
ipmitool lan print 1
Check lan/network configuration
ipmitool -I open lan print
Set network to dhcp
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp
Set network to static
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
Change ip address
ipmitool lan print 1 ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr x.x.x.x ipmitool lan set 1 netmask ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr x.x.x.x
Add vlan ID
ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id 22
Managing users
List users
ipmitool user list 1
Change password
2 is usually ADMIN
ipmitool user set password 2
Show user privilege level
ipmitool channel getaccess 1 3
Reading status
( also see http://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/IPMI_FencingConfig)
Simple status check
ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPADDR> -U root -P changeme chassis status
Get some hints about commands
ipmitool -I open help
List all sensors
ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPADDR> -U root -P changeme sdr elist full
ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPADDR> -U root -P changeme sensor
Serial console over LAN
ipmitool -U root -I lanplus -H sol activate
Boot a remote box
ipmitool -U root -I lanplus -H chassis power on
Sensor information
ipmitool -I open sensor
PSU status
ipmitool -I open sdr type "Power Supply" Status
Shut down a remote box
ipmitool -U root -I lanplus -H chassis power off ipmittool -U root -H -E shell
On freeBsd
kldload ipmi
System temperature
Air inlet temperatue
Peripheral temperature
Air outlet temperature
ipmitool errors
Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session
You might have firmware that doesn't support IPMI v2/ RMCP+
Try -I lan instead of -I lanplus
ipmitool user list failed
Get User Access command failed (channel 14, user 1): Invalid data field in request.
ipmitool user list 2
Unable to send IPMI presence ping packet
yeah, could be anything again
IPMI LAN send command failed
Unable to send IPMI presence ping packet
IPMI command failed: Request data field length limit exceeded
If you're trying to set a password, try a more complex password.
ipmitool -v Get Auth Capabilities error
could be firmware/version issue
Info: SOL payload already active on another session
Try sol deactivate
Set Session Privilege Level to ADMINISTRATOR failed: Unknown (0x80)
You're probably trying to connect as user, so try
ipmitool -L USER ....