

Simple password manager using gpg


Setting up a shared pass git repository

On server create user passuser Then as this user:

mkdir pass.git
git init --bare pass.git

On your workstation:

If you don't already have gpg key:

gpg --gen-key

and import pubkey(s) of other user(s):

gpg --import hisid

To make gpg use group, add to .gnupg/gpg.conf:

group ourgroup yourid hisid
default-key <your key id> ?

Slightly less secure but very convenient:


and then add .ssh/ to .ssh/authorized_keys on server

Then init pass:

pass init ourgroup
pass git init
pass git remote add origin
pass git push --set-upstream origin master
pass git push

Now all it takes to add keys is:

pass add someserver/someaccount
pass git push

On system of hisid you run the same pass init/git instructions, and then

pass git pull

ACHTUNG any user who edits or adds keys needs the public keys of all group members!

additional commands