Configuration management
- Homepage
- Adding iptables Rules With Ansible
- Going Deeper into Ansible Playbooks
- An Ansible Tutorial
- How to Install and Configure latest version of Ansible on Ubuntu Linux
- Getting started with Ansible
- Tips and tricks
- Ansible Galaxy
- Ansible roles explained
- Timeouts
- Ansible sample scripts
- module for postfix
- Ansible collections
- Molecule for testing roles
- ansible-lint
- ansible-console
- ansible-inventory
Ansible style guides
Some terms
On server as root create key:
(go for defaults) and then get content of ~/.ssh/ in your copypastebuffer
On 'clients' edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to
PermitRootLogin without-password
and restart sshd
Edit/create ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys and add:
from="ip.of.ansible.server" <paste public key here>
Maintain useraccounts
--- - name: remove users user: name=exuser state=absent force=yes groups='' with_dict: accounts tags: - delusers - name: sync group group: name: sync gid: 999 state: "present" - name: fix homedir rights lineinfile: dest=/etc/login.defs regexp=^UMASK line="UMASK 007" - name: useraccounts user: name: "{{ item.key }}" comment: "{{ }}" uid: "{{ item.value.uid }}" state: "present" shell: "/bin/bash" groups: sudo with_dict: accounts tags: - accounts - name: userpasswords user: name: "{{ item.key }}" password: "{{ lookup('csvfile',item.key + ' file=/etc/shadow delimiter=: col=1' ) }}" with_dict: accounts #ssh keys - name: userkeys authorized_key: user={{ item.key }} key="{{ lookup('file','/home/' + item.key + '/.ssh/authorized_keys' ) }}" exclusive=yes with_dict: accounts tags: - keys - name: nofoobar user: name=foobar state=absent remove=yes tags: - foobar
comment out a line
- name: remove java line from rclocal lineinfile: dest: /etc/rc.local regexp: '^(java.*)$' line: '# \1' backrefs: yes
Add user to group
name: add user to bargroup user: name: foo groups: bargroup append: yes
Run command
Cronjobs and ssh passphrases
Print hostname in debug msg
debug: msg: "Something to report in Template:Inventory hostname"
Connect to a different port
Error messages
ERROR! conflicting action statements: debug, msg
Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this.
Platform linux on host backup01 is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python3
one hack is adding to ~/.ansible.cfg:
[defaults] interpreter_python=auto_silent
Or fix on that system:
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1
The error was: 'item' is undefined"
wrong indentation for with_items
Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied (publickey,password)
Use shell only when shell functionality is required
roles for multiple distributions
include_vars with "distro-Template:Ansible distro name.yml"
Escape single quote
'foo bar '
Syntax Error while loading YAML. did not find expected key
Check indentation
Newlines in output
instead of all those '\n':
In ansible.cfg:
stdout_callback = yaml
Ad-hoc commands
check python code
ansible-test sanity --test pep8
Command/shell output on single line
ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=oneline ansible-playbook foo.yml
Storing passwords
Show all host variables
ansible -m setup <hostname>
Show all OS/versions
ansible all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution*"
Syntax highlighting for ansible
Drop the files in ~/vim/bundle and in .vimrc:
call pathogen#infect() call pathogen#helptags()
Or maybe better:
--limit @/home/ansible/ssh.retry
Error messages
ERROR! 'when' is not a valid attribute for a Play
ERROR! this task 'import_playbook' has extra params
/usr/bin/chattr: Clearing extent flag not supported
Probably trying to make a backup of a symlink
Escape curly braces
{{ '{' }}
Check file for string
tasks: - name: grep line shell: "grep -q swap /etc/fstab" failed_when: false register: grepped
- name: show grep debug: msg: "exists" when: grepped.rc == 0
Error messages
msg: The PyMySQL (Python 2.7 and Python 3.X) or MySQL-python (Python 2.X) module is required
Means you need to install for example python2-PyMySQL on that host
Ansible-lint messages
Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
Ignore, or use
changed_when: false
Shells that use pipes should set the pipefail option
shell: | set -o pipefail some command
Tips & tricks
Includes only when on host group
- block: - include: foo.yml - include: bar.yml when: "'foobar' in group_names"
Show info/facts of a host
ansible somehost -m setup ansible somehost -m ansible.builtin.setup
Show distribution and version
- name: show some host info debug: msg: Dist Template:Ansible distribution Template:Ansible distribution version