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*[ Proxmox VE Administration Guide]

= Links =
==Error: VM quit/powerdown failed - got timeout==
*[ Proxmox VE Administration Guide]
*[ Wiki]
*[ Monitoring Proxmox with Zabbix]
*[ Proxmox Backup Server]
*[ Backup and Restore]
*[ Proxmox Cluster with Raspberry Pi as QDevice (outdate)]
*[ External vote ( like a raspberry pi)]
*[ Useful proxmox commands ]
*[ Proxmox VE helper scripts]
*[ Proxmox bug tracker]
= Commands =
==Get PVE version==
pveversion -v  | head -n 2
== qm Qemu Manager ==
== pvesm Storage manager ==
pvesm scan
== pveperf ==
== pvecm ==
===About pvecm output===
A = Alive, NA = Not Alive
V = Vote, NV = Not Vote
MW = Master Wins, NMW = Not Master Wins [0]
NR = Not Registered
pvesh get /cluster/resources
pvesh get /cluster/resources --output-format json-pretty
===Get backup jobs===
pvesh get /cluster/backup
pvesh get /cluster/backup/{backupid}
To change the vms included in the job:
pvesh set /cluster/backup/{backupid} -vmid 100,101,102
===Get backup errors===
pvesh get /nodes/pve01/tasks --typefilter vzdump --errors
= Documentation =
== Proxmox API ==
*[ Proxmox VE API]
*[ Proxmox API viewer]
View api: https://your.server:8006/api2/json/ ?
===Invalid token name===
'''pve uses separator '=', but pbs wants ':''''
*[ Dynamic Memory Management]
Ballooning memory limit 80%:
autoballooning is done by one of our daemons (pvestatd) and this limit is hardcoded at the moment
== Directory structure ==
=== /etc/pve ===
The VM configs
vmstate? sems related to snapshots
=== /var/lib/vz ===
== Proxmox cluster ==
=== Cluster manager ===
pvecm status
pvecm nodes
=== HA status ===
ha-manager status
== VM configuration==
===Hard disk caching===
"If you're using ZFS as your backing store, you should leave the vdisk caching set to 'No cache' (default)."
= Monitoring proxmox cluster with zabbix =
===vram_allocated (maxmem)===
Maximum amount of ram a VM is allowed to use
===vram_used (mem)===
Memory being used by VM
maximum amount of memory a vm may use
Local Resource Manager
===Rebooting a node===
If HA enabled check
If you don't want it to start migrating, 'Freeze' might be the right option for HA Settings.
otherwise just do it :)
==Disk cache for guest==
==Show vm configuration==
qm config  101
==Get VM name by ID==
grep '^name:' /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/$ID.conf | awk '{print $2}'
pvesh get /cluster/resources -type vm --output-format yaml | egrep -i 'vmid|name' | sed 's@.*:@@'
grep "name:" /etc/pve/nodes/*/*/<vmid>.conf | awk '{ print $2 }'
== Clustering ==
=== Show cluster status ===
pvecm status
It seems relatively safe to restart corosync
===View cluster logs===
pvesh get /cluster/tasks --output-format=json-pretty
==Sysctl settings for kvm guests==
Still investigating, going for /etc/sysctl.d/50-kvmguest.conf
==Installing proxmox via PXE==
===Adding another thin pool===
lvcreate -L 500G --thinpool newpool vg1
after creating lvm thin pool (TODO: link to that) add to '''/etc/pve/storage.cfg'''
lvmthin: lvm-raid10
        thinpool raid10pool
        vgname raid10
        content images
== Get OS information of guest==
qm guest cmd 105 get-osinfo
===Identify disks in linux guest===
lsblk -o +SERIAL
===Run fstrim from host===
Assuming agent is running:
qm agent 102 fstrim
==Suspend or hibernate==
Suspend does not turn off your computer. It puts the computer and all peripherals on a low power consumption mode. If the battery runs out or the computer turns off for some reason, the current session and unsaved changes will be lost.
qm suspend
in GUI: sleep
qm status: paused
Hibernate saves the state of your computer to the hard disk and completely powers off. When resuming, the saved state is restored to RAM.
qm suspend to disk
or in GUI: Hibe
=== proxmox-backup-client ===
export PBS_REPOSITORY="backup@pbs@pbs-server:backuprepo"
proxmox-backup-client snapshot list
proxmox-backup-client prune vm/101 --dry-run --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 3
proxmox-backup-client garbage-collect
===vzdump limit bandwidth===
--bwlimit 50000
it looks like that limits read speed, i also noticed that bad write/speed to PBS has bad effects on guests
or nowadays in '''/etc/vzdump.conf''':
===Get total memory allocated to vms===
grep memory: /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/*conf|awk '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}'
==nvidia on proxmox==
*[ Upgrade problem to 8.2 (6.8 kernel - nvidia drivers)]
= FAQ =
==Web interface stuck on "loading"==
===When clicking on guest on a particular node===
====Works on webui of that node====
Different versions of PVE?
==Console: unable to find serial interface==
Maybe you're trying to get console on guest of another node in your cluster. To investigate why this goes wrong.
==Cores or threads?==
What's called "core" in the Web UI is a core from guest point of view, it would probably be a thread on the host.
===No CloudInit Drive found===
==Error messages==
===create storage failed: storage 'XX' is not online (500)===
When trying to create a storage on NFS
===memory: hotplug problem===
a used vhost backend has no free memory slots left
echo "options vhost max_mem_regions=509" >> /etc/modprobe.d/vhost.conf
and reboot
=== Proxmox API call failed: Couldn't authenticate user: zabbix@pve ===
Funky characters in password string?
=== SMP vm created on host with unstable TSC; guest TSC will not be reliable ===
===memory: hotplug problem - 400 Parameter verification failed. dimm17: error unplug memory module===
=== Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known ===
Just that, check your DNS
=== ConditionPathExists=/etc/corosync/corosync.conf was not met ===
Problably set up node with bad /etc/hosts, or forgot to join cluster
=== [] ===
=== corosync-qdevice[11695]: Can't read quorum.device.model cmap key ===
On the qdevice node
also see&nbsp;[]
=== "Quorum: 2 Activity blocked" ===
In my case this meant boot up second real node first
On working node:
corosync-cmapctl | grep quorum.device<br/> quorum.device.model (str) = net<br/> (str) = ffsplit<br/> (str) =<br/> (str) = on<br/> quorum.device.votes (u32) = 1<br/> <br/> []
=== x86/split lock detection: #AC: kvm/1161956 took a split_lock trap at address: 0x7ffebcb378ab===
The number after '''kvm/''' is process it, this will help you find the culprit.
*[ In-depth analysis of split locks]
*[ Detecting and handling split locks]
*[ The search for the correct amount of split-lock misery]
Could be large Windows guests on NUMA. Can probably be ignored
== Shutting down a node ==
Should just work. Takes guests down with it when they're not in HA
== API calls ==
===List all vms in cluster===
pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format yaml | egrep -i 'vmid|name'
or json:
pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format json | jq '.[] | {id,name}'
== Cores, sockets and vCPUs ==
vCPUs is what the vm uses, maximum is sockets*cores but you could set it lower to allow adding cores/vcpus dynamically.
== Migrating ==
=== VM is locked (create) (500) ===
Not always clear why, but try
qm unlock 111
== CT is locked (snapshot-delete) ===
pct unlock 115
== Replication ==
=== missing replicate feature on volume 'local-lvm ===
looks like replication of lvm isn't supported
== Check if qemu agent is running ==
See if IP is shown under Summary, also
qm agent 105 ping
qm guest cmd 111 ping
===qm agent ping return values===
0: OK
2: VM not running
255: No QEMU guest agent configured (just disabled in vm config?) (QEMU guest agent is not running would only show when enabled in in config?)
There is no way to tell if agent is running when it's not enabled in VM config.
When VM is not running, GUI claims agent not running
== Move to unused disk ==
If you moved disk, and decided to move back to the old one:
*detach current disk
*select the unused disk
*click Add
== qemu-guest-agent.service: Job qemu-guest-agent.service/start failed with result 'dependency'. ==
Could mean QEMU guest agent is not enabled in vm config
== Stop all proxmox services ==
systemctl stop pve-cluster systemctl stop pvedaemon systemctl stop pveproxy systemctl stop pvestatd
== Storage (xx) not available on selected target ==
probably some storage mounted only on one node, so not clustered
== switch to community repository ==
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
#deb [] buster pve-enterprise
echo "deb [] buster pve-no-subscription" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-no-subscription.list
apt update
== W: (pve-apt-hook) You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'! ==
cehck sources.list&nbsp;:)
== Storage ==
===Could not determine current size of volume===
When trying to grow a disk
another secret!
=== Add local disk or LV to vm ===
That would be passtrough
qm set 101 -scsi1 /dev/mapper/somevolume
Make sure node node can't migrate:&nbsp;?? PVE won't try that anyway, but still
===Storage migration failed: block job (mirror) error: drive-scsi0: 'mirror' has been cancelled===
Maybe moving disk to LVM, check for 4MiB alignment. qemu-img resize to 4MiB aligned size.
===fstrim guests===
qm guest <ID> fstrim
===qmp command 'guest-fstrim' failed - got timeout===
seems to be a windows thing
===No disk unused===
when trying to create thin volume, use command line?
==qcow image bigger than assigned disk==
Probably snapshots
== Backups ==
===backup write data failed: command error: protocol canceled===
Temporary network failure?
===storing login ticket failed: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR must be set===
Temporary bug, ignore it
=== PBS GC & Prune scheduling ===
=== qmp command 'backup' failed - got timeout ===
=== dirty-bitmap status: existing bitmap was invalid and has been cleared ===
=== dirty-bitmap status: created new ===
=== unexpected property 'prune-backups' (500) ===
When for example Add: iSCSI Uncheck "Keep all backups" in "Backup retention"
=== FAILED 00:00:02 unable to activate storage ===
=== VM 101 Backup failed: VM is locked (snapshot) ===
Check if there's no snapshot running (how?)
qm unlock 101
=== qmp command 'blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync' failed - got timeout ===
Another job for
qm unlock 101
===qmp command 'blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync' failed - Snapshot with id 'null' and name 'mysnapshot' does not exist on device 'drive-scsi1'===
Verify there is no such snapshot at all:
qemu-img snapshot -l vm-114-disk-1.qcow2
and then delete the entire system from [mysnapshot] in the vm config file
===lvremove snapshot 'xx' error: Failed to find logical volume "pve/snap_vm-103-disk-0_xx"===
Most likely the logical volume doesn't exist anymore. no idea how this can happen, but:
qm listsnapshot 103
qm delsnapshow 103 xx --force
will most likely cry about failed to find again, but with some luck:
qm listsnapshot 103
and it should be gone.
If you get
VM is locked (snapshot-delete)
qm unlock 103
(probably after checking there's not something else locking it)
=== can't acquire lock '/var/run/vzdump.lock' - got timeout ===
Check if vzdump is running, otherwise kill it (cluster?)
You could change lockwait in vzdump.conf, or as --lockwait parameter.
Default is 180 minutes
=== VM 101 Backup failed::= VM is locked (snapshot-delete) ===
Check /etc/pve/qemu-server/101.conf for 'snapstate'
If that says 'delete' for a snapshot try deleting the snapshot:
qm delsnapshot 101 snapname
If that throws like '''Failed to find logical volume 'pve/snap_vm-101-disk-0_saving'''
  qm delsnapshot 101 snapname --force
If it says '''VM is locked (snapshot-delete)''' us
qm unlock XXX
When you get '''does not exist on device 'drive-scsi0''' you might also need to delete the line "lock: snapshot-delete" from the 101.conf file
===qmp command 'query-backup' failed - got wrong command id===
=== Restoring single file from (PBS) backup ===
Check [ Mounting of archives with fuse]
Requires package proxmox-backup-file-restore:
===proxmox-file-restore failed: Error: mounting 'drive-scsi0.img.fidx/part/["2"]' failed: all mounts failed or no supported file system (500)===
Maybe because of lvm?
===Backup log===
====Upload size====
Seems to be in kilobytes
== Error: VM quit/powerdown failed - got timeout ==
  qm stop VMID
  qm stop VMID

if that complains about lock, remove the lock and try again
== You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space. ==
Seems noboby knows how, just monitor it?
== serial console from command line ==
qm terminal <id}
== enable serial console in guest ==

==enable serial console in guest==
looks like this is not needed:
looks like this is not needed:

Line 13: Line 588:

in /etc/default/grub
in /etc/default/grub
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0 console=tty0"
ttyS0 is for qm terminal, tty0 is for the "console" buttion in UI
#debian based
#redhat based
grub2-mkconfig --output=/boot/grub2/grub.cfg

  serial0: socket
  serial0: socket
to /etc/pve/qemu-server/[vmid].conf and restart

to /etc/pve/qemu-server/[vmid].conf and restart
=== agetty: /dev/ttyS0: not a device ===

===agetty: /dev/ttyS0: not a device===
systemctl status useless again, means the serial bit is missing from <vmid>.conf
systemctl status useless again, means the serial bit is missing from <vmid>.conf
== TASK ERROR: command 'apt-get update' failed: exit code 100 ==
subtle way of telling you to get subscription of at least change the sources list
== Import vmdk to lvm ==
== Can't apply changes to memory allocation ==
Maybe try enabling NUMA in CPU settings
== Adding hardware shows orange ==
The keyword here is "PENDING", possibly ion /etc/pve/qemu-server/<id>.conf
Maybe something is not supported (Options->Hotplug), options:
reboot or click "revert"
== "Connection error 401: no ticket" ==
Login session expired?
== can't lock file '/var/lock/qemu-server/lock-102.conf' - got timeout (500) ==
Maybe someone else has/had webui open, otherwise just remove it
== TASK ERROR: Can't use string ("keep-all=0,keep-last=3") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 502. ==
Classic, means incorrect syntax in your /etc/pve/storage.cfg
== The current guest configuration does not support taking new snapshots ==
*You're using raw instead of qcow2. Convert: Hardware->Hard disk "Move Disk"
*you might be using lvm thin over iscsi, then you can't have snapshots
== WARNING: Device /dev/dm-21 not initialized in udev database even after waiting 10000000 microseconds. ==
Until someone fixes it:
udevadm trigger
Also look for link to dm-21 in /dev/disk/by-id
== "connection error - server offline?" ==
Try reconnection browser
== Find vm name by id ==
qm config 100 | grep '^name:' | awk '{print $2}'
or a bit cruder"
grep name: /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/101.conf |head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
== Started Proxmox VE replication runner. ==
== Find ID by name ==
grep -l "name: <NAME>"  /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/*conf| sed 's/^.*\/\([0-9]*\)\.conf/\1/g'
== Can't migrate VM with local CD/DVD ==
Remove the CD&nbsp;:)
== Memory allocated to VMs ==
qm list|egrep -v "VM|stopped" | awk '{ sum+=$4 } END { print sum }'
== Ceph ==
=== Got timeout(500) ===
pveceph status
Possibly problem with ceph mgr
==vzdump: # cluster wide vzdump cron schedule==
# Automatically generated file - do not edit
edit it anyway?
==Guest issues==
===virtio_balloon virtio0: Out of puff! Can't get 1 pages===
===iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator error - target not found===
pvesm scan iscsi <targetip>
iscsiadm -m session -P 3
==udev high load==
udevadmin monitor
KERNEL[426405.347906] change  /devices/virtual/block/dm-8 (block)
UDEV  [426405.359582] change  /devices/virtual/block/dm-8 (block)
ls -al /dev/mapper/
pve-vm--113--disk--0 -> ../dm-8
So vm/lx '113' is the one.
In general see
since it could be usdisks2
==start failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected: Connection is closed==
Most likely that VM isn't running.

Latest revision as of 09:35, 2 September 2024



Get PVE version

pveversion -v  | head -n 2

qm Qemu Manager

pvesm Storage manager


pvesm scan 



About pvecm output

A = Alive, NA = Not Alive
V = Vote, NV = Not Vote
MW = Master Wins, NMW = Not Master Wins [0]
NR = Not Registered


pvesh get /cluster/resources
pvesh get /cluster/resources --output-format json-pretty

Get backup jobs

pvesh get /cluster/backup


pvesh get /cluster/backup/{backupid}

To change the vms included in the job:

pvesh set /cluster/backup/{backupid} -vmid 100,101,102

Get backup errors

pvesh get /nodes/pve01/tasks --typefilter vzdump --errors


Proxmox API

View api: https://your.server:8006/api2/json/ ?

Invalid token name

pve uses separator '=', but pbs wants ':'


Ballooning memory limit 80%:

autoballooning is done by one of our daemons (pvestatd) and this limit is hardcoded at the moment

Directory structure



The VM configs

vmstate? sems related to snapshots





Proxmox cluster

Cluster manager

pvecm status
pvecm nodes


HA status

ha-manager status

VM configuration

Hard disk caching

"If you're using ZFS as your backing store, you should leave the vdisk caching set to 'No cache' (default)."

Monitoring proxmox cluster with zabbix


vram_allocated (maxmem)

Maximum amount of ram a VM is allowed to use

vram_used (mem)

Memory being used by VM



maximum amount of memory a vm may use


Local Resource Manager



Rebooting a node

If HA enabled check If you don't want it to start migrating, 'Freeze' might be the right option for HA Settings.

otherwise just do it :)

Disk cache for guest

Show vm configuration

qm config  101

Get VM name by ID

grep '^name:' /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/$ID.conf | awk '{print $2}'


pvesh get /cluster/resources -type vm --output-format yaml | egrep -i 'vmid|name' | sed 's@.*:@@'


grep "name:" /etc/pve/nodes/*/*/<vmid>.conf | awk '{ print $2 }'


Show cluster status

pvecm status

It seems relatively safe to restart corosync

View cluster logs

pvesh get /cluster/tasks --output-format=json-pretty

Sysctl settings for kvm guests

Still investigating, going for /etc/sysctl.d/50-kvmguest.conf


Installing proxmox via PXE


Adding another thin pool

lvcreate -L 500G --thinpool newpool vg1

after creating lvm thin pool (TODO: link to that) add to /etc/pve/storage.cfg

lvmthin: lvm-raid10
       thinpool raid10pool
       vgname raid10
       content images

Get OS information of guest

qm guest cmd 105 get-osinfo


Identify disks in linux guest

lsblk -o +SERIAL

Run fstrim from host

Assuming agent is running:

qm agent 102 fstrim

Suspend or hibernate


Suspend does not turn off your computer. It puts the computer and all peripherals on a low power consumption mode. If the battery runs out or the computer turns off for some reason, the current session and unsaved changes will be lost.

qm suspend

in GUI: sleep

qm status: paused


Hibernate saves the state of your computer to the hard disk and completely powers off. When resuming, the saved state is restored to RAM.

qm suspend to disk

or in GUI: Hibe



export PBS_REPOSITORY="backup@pbs@pbs-server:backuprepo"
proxmox-backup-client snapshot list
proxmox-backup-client prune vm/101 --dry-run --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 3
proxmox-backup-client garbage-collect

vzdump limit bandwidth

--bwlimit 50000

it looks like that limits read speed, i also noticed that bad write/speed to PBS has bad effects on guests or nowadays in /etc/vzdump.conf:


Get total memory allocated to vms

grep memory: /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/*conf|awk '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}'

nvidia on proxmox


Web interface stuck on "loading"

When clicking on guest on a particular node

Works on webui of that node

Different versions of PVE?

Console: unable to find serial interface

Maybe you're trying to get console on guest of another node in your cluster. To investigate why this goes wrong.

Cores or threads?

What's called "core" in the Web UI is a core from guest point of view, it would probably be a thread on the host.


No CloudInit Drive found


Error messages

create storage failed: storage 'XX' is not online (500)

When trying to create a storage on NFS

memory: hotplug problem

a used vhost backend has no free memory slots left

echo "options vhost max_mem_regions=509" >> /etc/modprobe.d/vhost.conf

and reboot

Proxmox API call failed: Couldn't authenticate user: zabbix@pve

Funky characters in password string?

SMP vm created on host with unstable TSC; guest TSC will not be reliable

memory: hotplug problem - 400 Parameter verification failed. dimm17: error unplug memory module


Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Just that, check your DNS

ConditionPathExists=/etc/corosync/corosync.conf was not met

Problably set up node with bad /etc/hosts, or forgot to join cluster

corosync-qdevice[11695]: Can't read quorum.device.model cmap key

On the qdevice node

Check corosync-cmapctl ?

also see

"Quorum: 2 Activity blocked"

In my case this meant boot up second real node first



On working node:

corosync-cmapctl | grep quorum.device
quorum.device.model (str) = net (str) = ffsplit (str) = (str) = on
quorum.device.votes (u32) = 1

x86/split lock detection: #AC: kvm/1161956 took a split_lock trap at address: 0x7ffebcb378ab

The number after kvm/ is process it, this will help you find the culprit.


Could be large Windows guests on NUMA. Can probably be ignored

Shutting down a node

Should just work. Takes guests down with it when they're not in HA

API calls

List all vms in cluster

pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format yaml | egrep -i 'vmid|name'

or json:

pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format json | jq '.[] | {id,name}'

Cores, sockets and vCPUs

vCPUs is what the vm uses, maximum is sockets*cores but you could set it lower to allow adding cores/vcpus dynamically.


VM is locked (create) (500)

Not always clear why, but try

qm unlock 111

CT is locked (snapshot-delete) =

pct unlock 115


missing replicate feature on volume 'local-lvm

looks like replication of lvm isn't supported

Check if qemu agent is running

See if IP is shown under Summary, also

qm agent 105 ping


qm guest cmd 111 ping

qm agent ping return values

0: OK

2: VM not running

255: No QEMU guest agent configured (just disabled in vm config?) (QEMU guest agent is not running would only show when enabled in in config?)

There is no way to tell if agent is running when it's not enabled in VM config.

When VM is not running, GUI claims agent not running

Move to unused disk

If you moved disk, and decided to move back to the old one:

  • detach current disk
  • select the unused disk
  • click Add

qemu-guest-agent.service: Job qemu-guest-agent.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.

Could mean QEMU guest agent is not enabled in vm config

Stop all proxmox services

systemctl stop pve-cluster systemctl stop pvedaemon systemctl stop pveproxy systemctl stop pvestatd

Storage (xx) not available on selected target

probably some storage mounted only on one node, so not clustered

switch to community repository

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list 
#deb buster pve-enterprise
echo "deb buster pve-no-subscription" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-no-subscription.list 
apt update

W: (pve-apt-hook) You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'!

cehck sources.list :)



Could not determine current size of volume

When trying to grow a disk another secret!

Add local disk or LV to vm

That would be passtrough

qm set 101 -scsi1 /dev/mapper/somevolume

Make sure node node can't migrate: ?? PVE won't try that anyway, but still


Storage migration failed: block job (mirror) error: drive-scsi0: 'mirror' has been cancelled

Maybe moving disk to LVM, check for 4MiB alignment. qemu-img resize to 4MiB aligned size.

fstrim guests

qm guest <ID> fstrim

qmp command 'guest-fstrim' failed - got timeout

seems to be a windows thing

No disk unused

when trying to create thin volume, use command line?

qcow image bigger than assigned disk

Probably snapshots


backup write data failed: command error: protocol canceled

Temporary network failure?

storing login ticket failed: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR must be set

Temporary bug, ignore it

PBS GC & Prune scheduling

qmp command 'backup' failed - got timeout


dirty-bitmap status: existing bitmap was invalid and has been cleared

dirty-bitmap status: created new

unexpected property 'prune-backups' (500)

When for example Add: iSCSI Uncheck "Keep all backups" in "Backup retention"


FAILED 00:00:02 unable to activate storage



VM 101 Backup failed: VM is locked (snapshot)

Check if there's no snapshot running (how?)

qm unlock 101

qmp command 'blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync' failed - got timeout

Another job for

qm unlock 101

qmp command 'blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync' failed - Snapshot with id 'null' and name 'mysnapshot' does not exist on device 'drive-scsi1'

Verify there is no such snapshot at all:

qemu-img snapshot -l vm-114-disk-1.qcow2

and then delete the entire system from [mysnapshot] in the vm config file

lvremove snapshot 'xx' error: Failed to find logical volume "pve/snap_vm-103-disk-0_xx"

Most likely the logical volume doesn't exist anymore. no idea how this can happen, but:

qm listsnapshot 103
qm delsnapshow 103 xx --force

will most likely cry about failed to find again, but with some luck:

qm listsnapshot 103

and it should be gone.

If you get

VM is locked (snapshot-delete)


qm unlock 103

(probably after checking there's not something else locking it)

can't acquire lock '/var/run/vzdump.lock' - got timeout

Check if vzdump is running, otherwise kill it (cluster?)

You could change lockwait in vzdump.conf, or as --lockwait parameter. Default is 180 minutes


VM 101 Backup failed::= VM is locked (snapshot-delete)

Check /etc/pve/qemu-server/101.conf for 'snapstate'

If that says 'delete' for a snapshot try deleting the snapshot:

qm delsnapshot 101 snapname

If that throws like Failed to find logical volume 'pve/snap_vm-101-disk-0_saving

 qm delsnapshot 101 snapname --force

If it says VM is locked (snapshot-delete) us

qm unlock XXX

When you get does not exist on device 'drive-scsi0 you might also need to delete the line "lock: snapshot-delete" from the 101.conf file

qmp command 'query-backup' failed - got wrong command id

Restoring single file from (PBS) backup

Check Mounting of archives with fuse

Requires package proxmox-backup-file-restore:


proxmox-file-restore failed: Error: mounting 'drive-scsi0.img.fidx/part/["2"]' failed: all mounts failed or no supported file system (500)

Maybe because of lvm?

Backup log

Upload size

Seems to be in kilobytes


Error: VM quit/powerdown failed - got timeout

qm stop VMID

if that complains about lock, remove the lock and try again


You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space.

Seems noboby knows how, just monitor it?

serial console from command line

qm terminal <id}

enable serial console in guest

looks like this is not needed:

systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service

in /etc/default/grub

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0 console=tty0"

ttyS0 is for qm terminal, tty0 is for the "console" buttion in UI

  1. debian based


  1. redhat based

grub2-mkconfig --output=/boot/grub2/grub.cfg



serial0: socket

to /etc/pve/qemu-server/[vmid].conf and restart


agetty: /dev/ttyS0: not a device

systemctl status useless again, means the serial bit is missing from <vmid>.conf

TASK ERROR: command 'apt-get update' failed: exit code 100

subtle way of telling you to get subscription of at least change the sources list

Import vmdk to lvm

Can't apply changes to memory allocation

Maybe try enabling NUMA in CPU settings



Adding hardware shows orange

The keyword here is "PENDING", possibly ion /etc/pve/qemu-server/<id>.conf

Maybe something is not supported (Options->Hotplug), options: reboot or click "revert"

"Connection error 401: no ticket"

Login session expired?

can't lock file '/var/lock/qemu-server/lock-102.conf' - got timeout (500)

Maybe someone else has/had webui open, otherwise just remove it

TASK ERROR: Can't use string ("keep-all=0,keep-last=3") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 502.

Classic, means incorrect syntax in your /etc/pve/storage.cfg


The current guest configuration does not support taking new snapshots

  • You're using raw instead of qcow2. Convert: Hardware->Hard disk "Move Disk"
  • you might be using lvm thin over iscsi, then you can't have snapshots

WARNING: Device /dev/dm-21 not initialized in udev database even after waiting 10000000 microseconds.

Until someone fixes it:

udevadm trigger

Also look for link to dm-21 in /dev/disk/by-id

"connection error - server offline?"

Try reconnection browser



Find vm name by id

qm config 100 | grep '^name:' | awk '{print $2}'

or a bit cruder"

grep name: /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/101.conf |head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2

Started Proxmox VE replication runner.


Find ID by name

grep -l "name: <NAME>"  /etc/pve/nodes/*/qemu-server/*conf| sed 's/^.*\/\([0-9]*\)\.conf/\1/g'


Can't migrate VM with local CD/DVD

Remove the CD :)



Memory allocated to VMs

qm list|egrep -v "VM|stopped" | awk '{ sum+=$4 } END { print sum }'


Got timeout(500)


pveceph status

Possibly problem with ceph mgr


vzdump: # cluster wide vzdump cron schedule

  1. Automatically generated file - do not edit

edit it anyway?

Guest issues

virtio_balloon virtio0: Out of puff! Can't get 1 pages


iscsid: conn 0 login rejected: initiator error - target not found

pvesm scan iscsi <targetip>


iscsiadm -m session -P 3

udev high load


udevadmin monitor
KERNEL[426405.347906] change   /devices/virtual/block/dm-8 (block)
UDEV  [426405.359582] change   /devices/virtual/block/dm-8 (block)

ls -al /dev/mapper/

pve-vm--113--disk--0 -> ../dm-8

So vm/lx '113' is the one.

In general see since it could be usdisks2

start failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected: Connection is closed

Most likely that VM isn't running.